26 February 2016

In The Shadows - Draft Film Poster

This is the first poster I was going to hand in as a draft but, when I thought I was finished, it was suggested that I remove some of the trees so that the picture of Holly stands out more.

I then created this poster but I wasn't sure about how it looked, so I saved it as a different file for if I wanted to use the original poster. I created the faded look around the edges of the poster by colouring in the space with an almost-transparent, light grey paintbrush, and then going over it with a darker grey on the same settings. This helped me to blend the colours more and also meant that it didn't matter if it didn't look perfect. I also made the glow around Holly larger to put more focus on her and to also make it fit in with the soft glow around the edges of the poster. If I have time, I might try to redo the glow around the edge to make the black space in the corners smaller. This is because I think there is a bit too much blank space in the poster and I also want more of the trees to be visible.

To get feedback, I showed the second poster to people in my class to see what they said. Generally, people thought that it was effective as a film poster and could be a real poster if they didn't known that I had made it. It was mentioned that there's no idea what the narrative of the story is from looking at the poster, so I am considering adding a pentagram in the background to connote that the film is supernatural. I was also told that I should add a website or hashtag somewhere so that potential viewers would have some way to research the film further or talk about it with their friends.

1 comment:

  1. some of your ideas could be linked back here to research into existing posters.
